Changes in behaviour and identity in people using exorcisms

The aim of this project was to explore different clinical presentations, and the experiences and symptoms which people attributed to possession trance.

We analysed investigated sudden changes in behaviour and identity in terms of: how these experiences affected their everyday life and relationships, how people made meaning of these experiences, what kind of psychological conflicts or traumatising events they had, how much they could control their 'seizures’ and remember what happened during the rituals. The aim of this study was not to determine whether participants were or were not affected by spiritual forces in theological sense, because this would be beyond clinical or scientific investigation. This project contributed to a better understanding of different clinical presentations of people who use exorcisms and difficulties with negotiating explanatory models with patients, families and clergy. Collaboration with Polish priests gave an opportunity for comprehensive treatment and healing, combining religious coping strategies (e.g., prayer with a spiritual guide) with methods developed by modern psychology and medicine. 

Publications in academic journals:


Dr hab. Igor Pietkiewicz

Samodzielny pracownik naukowy zatrudniony na stanowisku badawczym w Instytucie Psychologii Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, kierownik Centrum Badań nad Traumą i Dysocjacją (CBTD), psychoterapeuta i superwizor psychoterapii. Od wielu lat jest mentorem i członkiem zarządu European Society for Trauma & Dissociation (, a obecnie pełni funkcję przewodniczącego tego Towarzystwa. Posiada certyfikat psychoterapeuty i superwizora Sekcji Naukowej Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego, Europejski Certyfikat Psychoterapeuty, certyfikat terapeuty i konsultanta EMDR Europe. Prowadzi praktykę prywatną w Katowicach, gdzie zajmuje się głównie pacjentami dorosłymi z doświadczeniami traumy złożonej. Pracuje w języku polskim i angielskim.