Psychiatrist and psychotherapist trained in various orientations, incl. Group Therapy, Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Systemic Therapy and trauma-oriented therapies. PhD in Medicine and specialist in Criminology. She is a board member of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) and is Vice President in the EMDR Spanish Association.
She works at the University Hospital of A Coruña (CHUAC), coordinating the Trauma and Dissociation Program, designed for patients with severe traumatisation. She is an active lecturer, giving training on dissociative disorders, trauma, attachment and emotional regulation, and also an accredited EMDR consultant and trainer. She coordinates and provides training in psychotherapy for psychiatry residents in her hospital, and is a visiting lecturer in the Master of EMDR Therapy in the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).
She directed several research projects in the field of trauma and dissociation or using EMDR for treating various disorders. She has published numerous articles and authored or co-authored books: Trastornos Disociativos, Trastorno de Identidad Disociativo, EMDR and Dissociation, the Progressive Approach, and EMDR and BPD, I am not myself: Understanding Complex Trauma, Attachment and Dissociation. A Guide for Patients and Therapists.
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