Aktywne projekty badawcze
Fantasy and other coping strategies
Projekt poświęcony analizie strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem, w tym również używania fantazji, u ludzi zdrowych i osób leczących się
Zakończone projekty badawcze
Changes in behaviour and identity in people using exorcisms
The aim of this project was to explore different clinical presentations, and the experiences and symptoms which people attributed to
Clinical assessment of trauma-related symptoms and depersonalisation
Alterations in consciousness are common experiences in healthy individuals and patients with a variety mental disorders. Such states may also
Adaptation of tools for research on trauma and dissociation
Celem projektu była walidacja testów przesiewowych, umożliwiających wykrywanie zdarzeń urazowych i objawów związanych z traumą. Wprowadzenie tych narzędzi do praktyki klinicznej będzie
Privacy boundaries in substance abuse treatment: therapists’ perspective
The study investigated how therapists in the field of substance abuse managed their professional role or privacy boundaries, and their
Coping and seeking help from Roman Catholic priests
There was no empirical evidence about how Roman Catholic secular priests were coping with stressors and specific challenges associated with
Negotiating homosexual identity in a Catholic family
The study explored experiences of Polish gay men associated with discovering their homosexuality in relation to religious socialization, internalized beliefs
Religious priests reaching a decision to change vocation
There are no studies, about how consecrated individuals reach a decision to change vocation, and no guidelines for counseling psychologists
Accidental encounters outside psychotherapy room
This qualitative study explored psychodynamic therapists’ experiences associated with unexpected encounters with their patients outside the clinical setting, i.e. consultation